November 20


Ultimate Turkey Pot Pie Recipe: Delicious and Easy | Cooking Time Included

As the holiday season approaches, the smell of freshly baked pies fills the air. But with all the hustle and bustle, who has the time to spend hours in the kitchen? That’s where this blog comes in. We understand the struggle of finding the perfect balance between a delicious home-cooked meal and limited time.

That’s why we’re sharing our secret recipe for a mouth-watering turkey pot pie that takes minimal effort and time to make. So put away your cooking stress and get ready to impress your loved ones with this easy and flavorful dish. Keep reading to find out how to make the perfect turkey pot pie with a cooking time that won’t leave you feeling overwhelmed.

Statistical Information: cooking time for turkey pot pie

Cooking Time for Turkey Pot Pie
Prep Time 45 minutes 30% of total cooking time
Cook Time 1 hour and 30 minutes 70% of total cooking time
Total Time 2 hours and 15 minutes N/A
Number of Servings 8 N/A
Calories per Serving 470 N/A
Best Served With Mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce

The prep time for cooking a turkey pot pie is 45 minutes, which accounts for 30% of the total cooking time. The remaining 70% of the cooking time, approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, is for the actual cook time. The total time for cooking a turkey pot pie is 2 hours and 15 minutes. This recipe serves 8 people and each serving is approximately 470 calories. The best accompaniments for a turkey pot pie are mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce.

Why Cooking Time is Important for Turkey Pot Pie

Turkey pot pie is a delicious and satisfying dish that is perfect for a cozy family dinner or a holiday meal. But if you’re new to making this classic dish, you may be wondering how long it takes to cook. The cooking time for turkey pot pie depends on a few factors, such as the size of your pie, the type of crust you’re using, and the temperature of your oven.

In general, a 9-inch pie will take about 45 minutes to an hour to cook, while a larger pie may take up to 1 hour and 30 minutes. However, the cooking time can vary, so it’s important to keep an eye on your pie while it’s in the oven. The first step in determining the cooking time for your turkey pot pie is to preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

This is the optimal temperature for cooking a tasty and evenly baked pot pie. While your oven is preheating, you can start preparing the filling for your pie. This usually involves cooking your turkey and vegetables in a saucepan, adding in your broth and seasonings, and simmering until everything is tender and well combined.

Once your filling is ready, it’s time to transfer it to your pie crust. Now, let’s talk about the crust. Traditional pot pies typically use a flaky pastry crust, but you can also use a store-bought pie crust or even a biscuit topping.

The type of crust you choose can affect the cooking time, so keep this in mind when preparing your pie. A flaky pastry crust will take longer to cook than a biscuit topping, for example. Once your filling is in the crust, it’s time to top it off with another layer of pastry or biscuits and seal the edges.

Then, use a sharp knife to create a few slits on the top of your pie to allow steam to escape during cooking. This will prevent your pie from becoming soggy. Now, it’s time to pop your pie into the oven.

cooking time for turkey pot pie

Factors That Affect Cooking Time

Cooking a turkey pot pie can be a time-consuming and delicate process, but the end result is worth it. The perfect balance of flaky crust, savory filling, and tender turkey makes for a comforting and satisfying meal. But how long does it actually take to cook a turkey pot pie? Let’s break it down by the different components.

The Crust: A good turkey pot pie starts with a flaky and buttery crust. Preparing the crust and letting it chill in the fridge can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. The actual baking time for the crust is around 30 minutes at 375°F.

The Filling: The filling is where all the flavors come together. This can include cooked turkey, vegetables, and a creamy sauce. Preparing the filling and cooking it on the stovetop can take around 20 minutes.

Assembling the Pie: Once the crust and filling are ready, it’s time to assemble the pie. This can take around 10-15 minutes, depending on how intricate your design is. Baking: Finally, it’s time to put the pie in the oven for the final bake.

This can take anywhere from 30-40 minutes at 375°F. Keep an eye on the pie and take it out when the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbly. In total, the cooking time for a turkey pot pie is around 2 hours.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that this can vary depending on the type of crust and filling you use, as well as your oven’s temperature. It’s always best to check on the pie periodically and adjust the cooking time accordingly. Now that you know the cooking time for a turkey pot pie, it’s time to gather your ingredients and get cooking! Whether it’s for a family dinner or a holiday gathering, this classic dish is sure to be a hit.

How to Determine the Cooking Time

When it comes to cooking a delicious and comforting turkey pot pie, one of the most important factors to consider is the cooking time. This savory dish is perfect for chilly nights and family gatherings, and getting the cooking time just right is crucial for a perfectly cooked pie. Firstly, let’s talk about the crust.

A flaky and golden crust is essential for any good pot pie. It should be cooked for about 15-20 minutes at 425°F, until it turns a beautiful golden brown. This will ensure that the crust is crispy and adds a delicious texture to your pie.

Next, let’s move on to the filling. The filling for a turkey pot pie typically consists of cooked turkey, vegetables, and a creamy sauce. The key here is to make sure that all the ingredients are fully cooked and heated through before assembling the pie.

This will prevent any undercooked or raw ingredients in the final dish. Once the crust and filling are ready, it’s time to assemble the pie and bake it for the final time. The pie should be baked for about 30-35 minutes at 375°F, until the top is golden brown and the filling is bubbling.

This will ensure that all the flavors have melded together and the pie is cooked to perfection. Overall, the cooking time for a turkey pot pie may vary slightly depending on your oven and the size of your pie. However, following these guidelines will help you achieve a perfectly cooked and delicious pot pie every time.

So the next time you’re craving a warm and hearty dish, remember to keep these cooking times in mind for a scrumptious turkey pot pie.

Cooking Time for Different Types of Turkey Pot Pie

Turkey pot pie is a delicious and comforting dish that is perfect for a cold winter night or a special occasion. But when it comes to cooking time, many people are unsure of how long they should bake their pot pie in the oven. The truth is, the cooking time for turkey pot pie can vary depending on a few key factors.

First, the size of your pot pie will greatly impact the cooking time. A smaller pot pie will take less time to cook than a larger one. Additionally, the type of crust you use can also affect the cooking time.

A homemade crust may take longer to cook than a store-bought one. Another important factor to consider is the temperature of your oven. A higher temperature will result in a shorter cooking time, while a lower temperature will require more time.

It’s important to follow the recipe’s instructions and preheat your oven to the specified temperature. In general, a turkey pot pie will need to cook for about 30-40 minutes at 375°F. However, it’s always best to use a meat thermometer to ensure that the internal temperature of the pie reaches 165°F before taking it out of the oven.

This will ensure that the turkey is fully cooked and safe to eat. To make sure your pot pie has a perfectly browned crust, you may want to brush it with an egg wash before placing it in the oven. This will give it a beautiful golden color and add a delicious flavor.

In conclusion, the cooking time for turkey pot pie can vary depending on the size, crust, and oven temperature. It’s important to follow the recipe’s instructions and use a meat thermometer to ensure that your pot pie is fully cooked. So next time you’re craving a comforting and delicious dish, remember these tips and you’ll have a perfectly cooked turkey pot pie in no time!

Tips for Perfectly Cooked Turkey Pot Pie

When it comes to cooking a delicious and hearty turkey pot pie, timing is everything. The perfect pot pie consists of a flaky crust, tender turkey, and a rich, flavorful filling. But achieving this perfection requires careful timing and attention to detail.

First and foremost, you’ll need to prepare your crust and filling separately. This will ensure that each component is cooked to perfection. For the crust, you’ll need to allot about 30 minutes for preparation and another 30 minutes for baking.

As for the filling, it will take approximately 20 minutes to prepare and an additional 10-15 minutes to cook. Once both the crust and filling are prepared, it’s time to assemble the pot pie. This step should take no more than 10 minutes.

After assembling, the pie will need to bake for about 30 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbling. In total, the cooking time for a turkey pot pie comes to about 90 minutes. This may seem like a long time, but trust us, it’s worth the wait.

The end result will be a mouth-watering pot pie that is sure to impress your family and friends. Remember, timing is crucial when it comes to cooking a delicious turkey pot pie. Don’t rush the process or cut corners.

Take your time and follow the recipe carefully for the best results. Your taste buds will thank you. So go ahead, set your timer and get ready to indulge in a warm and comforting turkey pot pie.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to making a delicious and comforting meal, turkey pot pie is a go-to for many people. But one of the biggest questions when it comes to this dish is, how long does it take to cook? The cooking time for turkey pot pie can vary depending on different factors such as the size of the pie and the type of oven being used. However, on average, it takes around 45 minutes to an hour to cook a turkey pot pie.

This time includes both the preparation and cooking time. Depending on the recipe, some pies may require a longer cooking time to ensure the crust is perfectly golden brown and the filling is heated through. To ensure a perfectly cooked turkey pot pie, it’s important to follow a few tips.

Firstly, make sure to preheat your oven to the correct temperature as stated in the recipe. This will ensure that the pie cooks evenly and thoroughly. Next, it’s important to let the pie thaw completely before cooking.

This will help prevent any potential food safety issues and also ensure that the pie cooks evenly. Another tip is to brush the top of the pie with an egg wash before baking. This will give the crust a beautiful golden color and a shiny finish.

If you’re short on time, you can also opt for a quicker cooking method such as using a pre-made pie crust or using a store-bought rotisserie turkey. These shortcuts can save you some time in the kitchen without sacrificing the flavor of the dish. However, if you have the time, making your own crust and roasting your own turkey can elevate the flavors and add a personal touch to your pot pie.

In terms of leftovers, turkey pot pie can be reheated in the oven for around 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. This will ensure that the crust is crispy and the filling is warmed through. It’s important to cover the edges of the crust with foil to prevent them from burning while the filling heats up.

Statistical Information: cooking time for turkey pot pie

Cooking Time for Turkey Pot Pie
Prep Time 45 minutes 30% of total cooking time
Cook Time 1 hour and 30 minutes 70% of total cooking time
Total Time 2 hours and 15 minutes N/A
Number of Servings 8 N/A
Calories per Serving 470 N/A
Best Served With Mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce

The prep time for cooking a turkey pot pie is 45 minutes, which accounts for 30% of the total cooking time. The remaining 70% of the cooking time, approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, is for the actual cook time. The total time for cooking a turkey pot pie is 2 hours and 15 minutes. This recipe serves 8 people and each serving is approximately 470 calories. The best accompaniments for a turkey pot pie are mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce.

Important Notice for readers

“Discover the Perfect Cooking Time for a Delicious Turkey Pot Pie – Tips and Tricks Inside!” Looking to make the perfect turkey pot pie for your next family dinner or gathering? Look no further! In this article, we will share with you the best cooking time for a mouth-watering turkey pot pie that will have your loved ones asking for seconds. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a beginner in the kitchen, our tips and tricks will ensure that your pot pie comes out perfectly every time. From prepping the ingredients to the final baking time, we’ve got you covered.

So, get ready to impress your guests with this delicious and comforting dish. Keep reading to find out the secret to a perfectly cooked turkey pot pie!


here are some possible FAQs and answers: How long does it take to cook a turkey pot pie?
The cooking time for a turkey pot pie can vary depending on the recipe and size of the pie, but on average it takes about 35-40 minutes in the oven at 375°F.

Can I use a frozen pie crust for my turkey pot pie?
Yes, you can use a frozen pie crust for convenience, but make sure to thaw it before baking according to package instructions. Alternatively, you can make your own pie crust from scratch.

Do I need to pre-cook the filling before assembling the pot pie?
It’s not necessary to pre-cook the filling, but you can sauté the vegetables and cook the turkey beforehand for a more flavorful filling.

Can I make a turkey pot pie ahead of time and freeze it for later?
Yes, you can assemble the pot pie and freeze it before baking. When ready to eat, simply bake it for an additional 10-15 minutes.

How do I know when the turkey pot pie is fully cooked?
The top of the pie should be golden brown and the filling should be bubbling. You can also insert a knife into the center of the pie and make sure it comes out clean to ensure it’s fully cooked.

Can I use leftover Thanksgiving turkey in a pot pie?
Absolutely! Using leftover turkey is a great way to repurpose it and create a delicious meal. Just make sure to dice or shred the turkey before adding it to the filling.

Can I substitute the turkey for chicken in a pot pie recipe?
Yes, you can use chicken instead of turkey in a pot pie recipe. Just adjust the cooking time accordingly as chicken may cook faster than turkey.

What can I serve with a turkey pot pie for a complete meal? A8. You can serve a side salad or roasted vegetables as a side dish to complement the pot pie. You can also serve it with a side of cranberry sauce for a classic Thanksgiving flavor.


in conclusion, the cooking time for turkey pot pie can vary depending on the recipe and type of pie crust used. However, a general estimate is 45 minutes to an hour at 375°F. It is important to remember to let the pie cool for about 10-15 minutes before serving to allow the filling to set.

This classic comfort food is a perfect dish for any occasion, and with the right cooking time, you can create a delicious and satisfying meal for your family and friends. So next time you’re in the kitchen, don’t be afraid to try your hand at making a turkey pot pie. Your taste buds will thank you.

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